Introduction To Vitamin D

Introduction To Vitamin D

All the public living the modern world must know something about the vitamins, which are essential organic substances needed in a small amount for the growth of the human body. We are trying here to spread knowledge about science. We are posting a series of articles about the vitamins needed in the human body, today here we are going to discuss briefly Vitamin D. So, Let’s get started.

Definition of  Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a naturally occurring fat-soluble vitamin in very few foods, added to others, and accessible as a dietary supplement. It is also endogenously generated when sunlight ultraviolet rays hit the skin and cause the synthesis of vitamin D. This vitamin derived from exposure to the sun, food, and supplements are biologically inert and have to undergo two activation hydroxylations in the body. The first takes place in the liver, converting vitamin D to 25-hydroxyvitamin D[ 25(OH)D], also known as calcidiol.


Vitamin D is an organic substance needed for the healthy development of the human body. It plays a very important role in the absorption of calcium which is very important for developing our bones as well as the teeth. Moreover, its functions at a glance are-

  • Vitamin D controls the concentrations of calcium and phosphorus in the blood by encouraging the absorption of calcium from food in the intestines and reabsorption of calcium in the kidneys.
  • It encourages the bone formation and mineralization and is vital for an intact and powerful skeleton to be developed.
  • It inhibits the secretion of the parathyroid hormone from the gland.

By encouraging immunosuppression, phagocytosis, and anti-tumor activity, vitamin D impacts the immune system.

Hormone for Calcium and Phosphate regulation

Calcium is a very essential element for the human for transmissions of nerve cells and contractions of muscle fiber.

Calcitriol, which is the active form of vitamin D, works in conjunction with parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin to control the calcium and phosphorus concentrations of the serum by-

  1. Increasing the absorption of calcium from the small intestine by diet.
  2. Decreasing excretion of urinary calcium (increasing reabsorption of the kidney).
  3. Stimulates calcium resorption from the bone

It is the instrument in bone growth, hardness, and repair. However, too much vit. D can boost bone calcium losses. It is vital for ordinary pancreatic insulin secretion and therefore blood sugar levels to be controlled.

Vitamin D goes abnormal

It is true that vitamin D is an essential substance for the human body but sometimes the amount of D can go abnormal which means either the Deficiency of ‘D’ or too much absorption of it. Both can cause harm to a healthy and happy human life. Moreover, it is the most toxic of all the essential substances i.e. vitamins. Let’s discuss the abnormal situation concerning it. D.

  • D deficiency is responsible for the following diseases-
    • Rickets (It is a sickness of bone deformities in children)
    • Osteoporosis
    • Osteomalacia (weak bones)
    • Demineralization of bones
  • Too much vit. D (5 times the Recommended Dietary Allowance i.e. RDA, chronically, i.e. foe long time of period):
    • It is the most toxic of the vitamins.
    • Nausea, thirst, loss of appetite, stupor.
    • Hypocalcemia: calcium gets deposited in soft tissues, arteries, and kidneys.

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