

Vitamin is a very common word in medical sciences. Every people even the people who know very little about medications as well as science should hear the word vitamin. Vitamin word comes from the Latin word vita which means life. To gather vast information about vitamins is not our goal. Here, we try our level best to write briefly about vitamins and give a little idea about the vitamins and especially about vitamin A in this episode. Before that, we should know what is a vitamin. So further not do any delay let’s get started-


Vitamin is an organic substance or set of organic substances that need a little to grow and develop the body of a leaving organism. This substance or substances can’t produce in the living organism. The organism must intake the vitamins with food to leave a healthy life. The human body requires 13 vitamins. They are-

  1. Vitamin A
  2. B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vit. B-6, vit. B-12, and folate )
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Vitamin D
  5. Vitamin E
  6. Vitamin K

The vitamins are mainly two kinds depending on the solubility. They are-

  1. Fat (or oil) soluble, and
  2. Water-soluble.

Fat-soluble Vitamins

The fat-soluble vitamins are-

  • Absorbed with nutritional fat in the small intestine
  • 40-90 percent energy efficiency
  • Absorption typically controlled by the need
  • Transported by blood and lymph from the small intestine in chylomicron (depending on size)
  • They are not readily excreted by the urine.
  • Significant quantities are stored in the tissue of the liver and fat.
  • Toxicity is thus feasible.

Now let’s learn briefly about fat-soluble vitamins in some serial posts. So today we talk briefly about the ‘A’ vitamin that is fat-soluble.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an essential organic substance for the human body to grow and develop. It is fat-soluble and therefore needs to be eaten with fat for ideal absorption in the small intestine. Some High vit. A Contained foods are carrots, lettuce, dark leafy greens, sweet potatoes,  winter squash, dried apricots, cantaloupes, bell peppers, fish, liver, and tropical colorful fruits such as mangoes, Papaya, and etc.


This particular vit. A plays a very important role in the development of the human body, mainly the eye sites. Moreover, functions of ‘A’ are-

Role in a vision: Vit. A (retinal) is an important precursor to visual pigment formation, rhodopsin, in the eye’s retina. In the vision, particularly night vision, the Retinal visual pigment, rhodopsin, plays a significant role. On the other hand,  it reduces the incidence of cataracts.

Role in growth: This vitamin helps to control the growth of cells, differentiation of cells, and division of cells which are very important for the development of the human body.

Role in Bone and teeth formation: Moreover, this particular vitamin promotes adequate bone and teeth development in the human body which is very important to growth and development. Bone cells are dependent on vit (osteoblasts and osteoclasts). A for their ordinary operation.

Is essential for good hair, skin, and mucous membranes to be formed and maintained. Strengthens the immune system of the body to help boost the resistance of the body to infectious diseases.

Problems associated with Vitamin A

Vitamin AVitamin A deficiency

If someone intakes this vitamin less than the amount he or she needs for healthy growth of the body, then the following facts can happen. They are-

  1. “Night blindness”-the first detectable sign of vit. A deficiency. Inability to see a flash of bright light in dim light or failure to regain vision.
  2. Increased susceptibility to iron-deficient, infection, and cancer as well as anemia.
  3. Long-standing absence of vit. A (corneal keratinization, a disease called xerophthalmia).
  4. Abnormal fetal and neonatal growth of the bone.

Vitamin A excess

As we discuss above this vitamin is very essential for the human but excess amount of this is also harmful fo health. If a person intakes more than the amount he or she needs for healthy growth of his or her body then the following things can happen.

Hypervitaminosis A in humans shows symptoms that include-

  1. dry skin,
  2. Pruritic skin,
  3. Excessive itching, and
  4. Intracranial pressure rise, etc.

Vitamin A excess

Because of self-medication and over-prescription, hypervitaminosis ‘A’ is becoming a growing issue in Western nations.

hypervitaminosis ‘A’ also has occurred by eating polar bear or seal liver which contains very high vit A, by polar explorers.

If a person sparingly eats polar bear liver, he intakes a vast amount of ‘A’. It is good for health because 30 grams of retinol comprise 450,000 IU! But continued intake leads the skin to peel from head to toe.

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